Saturday, December 31, 2016

A last view back

2016, a year with rough edges, highs and lows, unexpected turns and thousand emotions. 2016 felt like a whole life, so many experiences I picked, gathered, sometimes treasured up and let go again. 2016 I learned much and forgot a lot, sometimes I thought, there’s no way it could get worse, and often I was just grateful for everything being as it is, was overhappy, my head in the neck and a smile on my lips.

JANUARY | I feel too small for this world getting bigger and bigger.

FEBRUARY | A sprinkling of wanderlust to a strange place, although you haven't left yet. 

MARCH | The longer I wander about the louder the white noise becomes, adding high sounds, hardly recognizable, my head aches.

APRIL | I want burn, I want excesses. 

MAY | Plans aren't forged out to melt them in hot fire.

JUNE | I trust and I know I'm walking into a trap at the same time. 

JULY | When the echo of your words resonates in silence and pierces me to the heart again and again. 

AUGUST | A wheezing, a cirri, a chirping, a whirring, noise which is faint, a background full of noises for a vision without sound. 

SEPTEMBER | No matter where, no matter when, again and again you. 

OCTOBER | But sooner or later most days show blue stains on the sky, a few sunrays breaking through the grey and a little warmth. 

NOVEMBER | I just would need to hit the road, simply out of here, out the door without turning back. 

DEZEMBER | I'm dreaming of a world through the camera lense and of stories moving me in my heart of hearts. 

The last stage on this rollercoaster and I admit it was great. It was worth entering even if the ticket was a blind bargain. I will enter again. Tomorrow. And the title sounds tempting: chocolate box. I won’t forget you in a hurry, you had moments I embosomed. For a very long time.

1 comment:

  1. This was so cool!
    Lovely post!
    -Lauryn Mills
